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- Tenchi No Nunchaku - Double Nunchaku DVD or Stream
Tenchi No Nunchaku - Double Nunchaku DVD or Stream
Tenchi no Nunchaku
This video contains detailed instruction on the double nunchaku kata, Tenchi no nunchaku (heaven and earth nunchaku), and its many bunkai (applications). The detailed menu makes it very simple to find each chapter of interest! It is taught and demonstrated from the front, side and the rear at walk through speed to make it easy to follow along. It is then demonstrated in each direction at regular speed to show the dynamics of its exciting movements. The complex multi-strike and block sections are taught step-by-step adding a single move at a time for ease of learning. There are sections with basic handling, blocks and strikes. There is a 2 man drill explaining each of the blocks separately and then in sequence one strike after the other. This is not only a practical training and study kata but also an excellent demonstration and competition kata! and the detailed menu makes it simple to find each chapter of interest! Available on DVD or stream!
Thank you,
Roger Wehrhahn, Shihan