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- Heaven and Earth Double Nunchaku Seminar!
Heaven and Earth Double Nunchaku Seminar!
Coming Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the World Martial Arts Academy, Port Charlotte, FL. The "Tenchi no Nunchaku"
Double Nunchaku training seminar featuring the originator of this exciting kata, Roger Wehrhahn, Shihan.
This seminar starts off with step by step details on how to coordinate the two nunchaku while blocking and striking. Next we cover detailed instruction on how to use the double nunchaku movements of Tenchi no Nunchaku with its many bunkai or applications. The kata is demonstrated from the front and side at walk through speed to make it easy to follow along. The complex multi-strike and block sections are taught step-by-step adding a single move at a time for ease of learning. It is then demonstrated at regular speed to show the dynamics of its exciting movements. This is not only a practical training and study kata but also an excellent demonstration and competition kata!
Click below to guarantee your spot!
Thank you,
Roger Wehrhahn, Shihan